Saturday, January 20, 2024

Introducing Fourth Monkey of Gandhi ji?

 Gandhi Ji ke Chauthe Bandar 

(Introducing The Fourth Monkey of Gandhi ji?)

We are all aware (mostly) of the Three Japanese Wise Monkeys which became the visual metaphors of Mahatma Gandhi’s message of peace and tolerance.

  1. See no evil - Mizaru
  2. Hear no evil - Kikazaru
  3. Speak no evil - Iwazaru


Three wise monkeys

But somehow, I miss the Fourth monkey which I feel should be the foremost one. Think no Evil

Although the first three are good enough if practiced diligently in day-to-day life but they, being physical senses, represent Physical actions. And any Physical action can simply be an Act.

These three actions are more focused towards external world. Human beings are conscious animals thus, albeit unconsciously, the behavior is less real and more like putting on a performance for the viewers.

On the contrary, Thinking is a mental activity. It’s internal and more personal. We are very true to ourselves in those moments. Simple put, we do not lie to ourselves.

There is none Hundred percent Righteous or Malicious being in this world. Internally we are always in a constant fight on morality and our act is driven by the transitorily victory. With passage of Time if we can learn, to overpower the worse for better, then all these monkeys can merge into One. As the old saying goes-

If you won’t stop something at Step One, you can’t stop it at Step Ten


If the Fourth Monkey must lead the troop, he needs a name. So unselfishly taking the responsibility, I am naming him – Kangaru (Kan-ga-e-ru)



P.S. - One can comment that recently we already found a Fourth Monkey (Shizaru)Do no Evil – but metaphorically it’s mere a physical manifestation of your Inner thoughts.

P.P.S – If still here then do comment if you have mispronounced/googled Kangaeru 😊



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